Osteopathy for Infants.

Gentle. Effective. Reassuring.

My interest in treating infants and children abruptly began when I stepped into the arena of parenting. My own infant kids had their challenges; colic, ear infections, digestion upset, pelvis asymmetry, etc. and it is a hopeless feeling when you sense something is wrong, but can’t figure out how to help their little bodies. I literally started practicing techniques on my own little humans to try relieve their distress.

Advanced Pediatrics.

Fast forward 10 years, with advanced training and understanding in Pediatric Osteopathy my treatments have skillfully evolved to give these little humans their best opportunity for happiness and growth as they re-integrate into their new-found world. I also enjoy taking the time to chat with parents about home strategies and considerations for their child.

  • There is no way to accurately predict this. However, the classic treatment plan that works the best in my experience is three treatments, at intervals of one week apart.

    Infants get priority on the cancellation list, so I usually do my best to make time for repeat visits.

  • Please bring an extra diaper or two, and a change of clothes. Explosions happen!

    A few toys. One or two pacifiers if used.

    An open mind.

    A bottle for feeding half way through the appointment. The infant nervous system will only accept about 15 minutes of light treatment and will then need to be breast or bottle fed to reset. The treatment will continue during or after the feed if time permits.

    An initial appointment should be 45 or 60 minutes in length. I will ask a lot of specific questions about your pregnancy and delivery to get a detailed understanding of how your baby came into this world.

  • I do collaborate with other health professionals regarding infant treatment.

    There are fantastic Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, and other Osteopathic Manual Practitioners that work with infants as well.

    A team approach is great, and I will refer when necessary.

  • Yes, I am happy to see kids in these age groupings.

    Growth spurts, back or knee pain, concussion, and sports injuries are common.

  • Infant colic. Digestion issues/constipation. Excessive spit-up. Torticollis. Difficult delivery. Weak latch for breast feeding. Vacuum/forceps delivery. Sleep issues. Inconsolable crying. Delayed milestones. Asymmetrical crawling. Growing pains. Osgood-Schlatter disease.